Flower Show
Northern Virginia Azaleas


Convention Registration is open to all ASA members and guests to promote the goals of the Azalea Society of America. If you are not already a member of the ASA and want to attend the convention, you may join for the rest of the calendar year at a reduced rate when you send in your registration form. The Registration form will be sent with the Winter Issue of The Azalean but beginning January 1, 2009, we will also post a link to a printable form in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format below:
Registration Form: ASA 2009 Convention (320 KB)
The Registrar must receive the registration form no later than April 20, 2009. The early registration fee will be US $35 but after March 15th, the fee will be US $50. Please register early! It saves you money, guarantees your spot on any garden tours or other activities, and helps the organizers with their planning. We will refund your registration fee for any reason until April 20, 2009.

Please make checks payable to 2009 ASA Convention and mail completed registration form and check to:

Virginia and Sam Burd, Registrars
Northern Virginia Chapter ASA
10524 Walter Thompson Drive
Vienna, VA 22181-3028

Email: ASA-2009-VA@hotmail.com
Confirmation will be sent by e-mail or US mail. Please note that you must be registered to attend Convention activities.

Hotel Reservations

Please make hotel reservations directly with the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Herndon, VA. The special Convention Price is only $94 per night plus applicable taxes. To get the convention rate, be sure to specify that you are part of the Azalea Society of America when you register at the hotel.
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Herndon, VA

Questions or Comments:

Convention Registrars:
    Virginia and Sam Burd

Convention Chair:
    Phil Louer

Convention Site Webmaster:
    Don Hyatt

Azalea Society of America   -   Northern Virginia Chapter